How retail can bounce back from Covid 19
March 23rd signified the start of an unprecedented stage for retail .
As stores get set to reopen on the 15th June, retailers have a lot to think about.
Creating a safe and comfortable experience for both customers and staff is critical. Glass screens, signage, increased floor space – its going to be a very different way of shopping from what we are used to.
Spending time at home has shifted consumers values and their time and monetary priorities.
- Will customers come?
- Will they have the appetite to come back?
- What we have seen during lockdown is people have shopped locally a bit more and on line a lot more. Shopping is a fun experience and social distancing takes this away as necessary as it is. The sociable element of discovering new products with friends, the relaxation that comes with aimless browsing will be much harder to achieve.
Just because we are open does not mean that business will recover or that we will be safe health wise. The big issue is whether bricks and mortar get enough business coming through their doors in those first few weeks to enable them to pay staff.
Retail is a resilient sector. The industry will do everything in its power to make shopping safe and enjoyable.
Open your doors and let people back in ….People – the life blood of retail! A happy moment for owners after months of closure as well as offering happiness to the customer after all they have endured.
Look forward not backwards and use this oppurtunity to brush off old retail bad habits.
Focus on surviving the next phase of the pandemic.