Fascinating differences between the generations

Fascinating differences between the Generations.
Each generation has its own political and cultural traits affecting their attitude, perception, behaviour and ultimately their shopping habits.
Take the Baby boomers. Born between the mid 1940s and 1960, these consumers follow on from the silent -hard life -generation known for their discipline, sacrifice and loyalty. This period was the time of the great consumers -committed, self sufficient and competitive who have no balance but work to live. This consumer places immense value in Brands and expect a high level of customer service when shopping locally.
Generation X grew up between the mid 60s and early 80s. Technology was advancing fast. This generation understand the importance of both a digital and a non digital world and can straddle between both. Resourceful, logical and good problem solvers. They lived through war –
Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq and the Falklands and have a work hard, play hard mentality. For Retail this generation are a bricks and mortar shopper who embrace loyalty programmes. Finances are stretched – they carry a high level of debt, so retailers must give them a good reason to buy. However, it is their work life balance that they value the most and what retailers must tap into.This group are raising Generation Z.
Generation Y or the Millenials as they are generally known. This group were born in the 80s through to the mid 90s.This is the 1st generation to be self sufficient, no longer having to rely on others to solve their problems or teach them things. They have it all on the internet. Often described by the media as lazy and spending money that they should be saving! Shopping is a social event seen as a fun activity and a way to relax and word of mouth is a key influencer in their purchase. They will question authority and strive for oppurtunities being confident, curious and willing to think outside the box.
Generation Z shows the biggest change for bricks and mortar retail. They are more supervised and protected than previous generations and have never known a life without tech. Born between the mid 90s and mid 2000 , they want a job with a good working climate and have the self belief that they will work for themselves one day.Their community is not face to face but online. There is less time reading books and newspapers and shopping on the high street. The digital platform is their foundation – comparing prices, ratings and availability before deciding to buy. Like the millenials, shopping is seen as a social activity. This group is much more tolerant of others,
whether a different culture or sexual orientation. Ambitious, confident and more likely to think for themselves but also more cautious with less risk taking.
Generation Alpha are the new kids on the scene being born from 2010. They are not afraid of technology as they don’t know a life without it, being brought up with I phones and applications. It is predicted that this generation will be the most wealthy, most educated and technologically literate in history.