Bye, Bye to Traditional Retail Floor Space
Retail space has been reshaped longterm. The focus is now how the consumer moves through the retail space, confidently and securely.
Traditional retail floor spaces are designed to draw the shopper further inside the store and keep them wandering about. However the focus for both consumers and retailers now is to make the shopping trip as quick and efficient as possible.
The retail strategy now is to lessen touch and make the customer feel safe. Retailers must redesign floor space to ensure social distancing and inspire consumer confidence.
The following are suggestions on how to achieve this
- Display a smaller, more curated product selection
- Design the floor space to ensure social distancing with the use of colour, furniture and fixtures, creating browsing and passage areas throughout.
- Touch less and contactless payment
- QR codes and chips on the product shelves with availability and product description
- Pick up hubs not at the back of the store but centrally located
- Drive thrus, delivery lockers, and pick up windows