GIVING CUSTOMERS what they want and when they want it.

Retailers will have to work hard to keep up with changing consumer behaviours. Closed stores and social distancing will leave many retailers exposed, especially those that have spent prioritising physical stores and face to face engagement over omni channel strategies
The role of stores must be redefined. Retailers that focus on customer experience and respond with agility will fare better. The role of the store employee will evolve and tools must be given to serve online customers. Keep the customer engaged by sending personalised emails and allow
shoppers to ask questions to an inshore assistant.
You need to build resilience in the supply chain – reallocate resources to where they are needed most ie. temporarily moving back office into distribution centre roles. Currently, 50% of consumers do not feel comfortable to enter a store. Conversion is key, therefore retailers must be nimble and organise collections for the customer without entering the store.
Give the customer multiple delivery and pick up options. Delivery within 3 hours of purchase and purchase rentals will become the norm.
Stock availability must be visible to consumers. Now more than ever, your customers need visibility of your stock before they leave the safety of their home.
Transparency is super critical for building trust with consumers.
Digital must become frictionless. The less effort required the more likely you are to convert this consumer into a purchaser – site speed, stability and delivery times are all key.
Understanding the needs and habits of todays consumer – keeping up with their expectations – will be the difference between you thriving and surviving or drowning!
As stores get set to reopen on the 15th June , retailers have a lot to think about. Creating a safe and comfortable experience for both customers and staff is critical. Spending time at home has shifted consumers values and their time and monetary priorities. Retailers must
connect into this.
Full GVT. guidance available for reopening retail.